Chengyu WANG (汪诚愚)

Algorithm Expert, Alibaba Cloud, Hangzhou, China

E-mail: chengyu dot wcy at alibaba dot com, chywang2013 at gmail dot com

Profile: Google Scholar, DBLP

We are looking for highly-motivated students to work with us as research interns.


  • Sept 2024: Three papers VideoCLIP-XL (multi-modal learning), RECIPE (knowledge editing) and TAPIR (knowledge distillation) have been accepted to EMNLP 2024!

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
    • Large Language Models, Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models, Knowledge Distillation
  • Multi-Modality Learning
    • Vision Language Models, Diffusion Models for Text-to-Image/Video Synthesis
  • Machine Learning
    • Transfer Learning, Few-Shot Learning, Responsible AI

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